Tuesday, September 04, 2007

They Did Arrive

After much concern on my end, received word that the Birthday Sister was pleased with her card and the offer of her gift. As soon as Flit can get Flickr working I will have some pictures in it.

Her card was 65 pages with some pictures of projects and an explanation as to why she wasn't getting 65 pot holders. Thought that was very nice of me.

Sis is getting an afghan in blues which she likes. Want to make 65 blocks and hopefully it will be 65" square. Took the 365 Knitting Stitches Calendar and a listing of the family birthdays to make the blocks in random sizes. There should be about 20 of the darkest blue that I am also using for the border. Really like some of the stitches but others I could do without. I also have an Excel spreadsheet with the listing, size of squares, diary, possible layouts, etc.

Want to take a guess as to her age? First two guesses wouldn't count.

Her eldest daughter-in-law turned 50 but didn't want to send her a Red Hat. Like the idea of the Prayer Shawl Ministry so made her a lovely rectangular shawl in the most gorgeous true red Rayon and Viscoe yarn. in the Diamond Lace Shawl by Sandi Rosner. I know she has the pattern on the web but I had purchased the book "Simply Shetland 3 at Galisteo" because there were more patterns in it that I also liked. Instead of fibre tassels at the 6 points I used some wood and crystal beads which turned out very well. Or at least, I think so. I would love to have it for myself so that is a good indication of how pleased I was with it because usually I can find faults in it.

At the same time I made a circular baby shawl, EZ short sweater from the Summer Vogue, and a hedgehog for Flit's newest grandson. Don't think the sweater will fit him long as he weighed in at 9 lbs 5 ozs. He should be able to soon hold his own against his 15th month old big brother.

Didn't sleep well last night so think I'll head to bed and knit there for awhile. The ball game has started and I'd like to have much more done on the afghan. Now I know that an afghan is fine with her and at least one extra block she would like (for her wedding last year), I feel more inclined to work harder on it.

Take care and enjoy life.

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