Friday, December 15, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

No snow but gathering presents stored in several places around the house. Even started wrapping them and have most of that done. Not knitting much this year but well on my way with it. Certainly not stressing about it as they would be "bonus" gifts and not the main items.

Went for supper with some of the ladies from where I used to work. Really enjoyed getting together with them and the good meal at the Keg. Sorry not to see the ones who couldn't make it but maybe another time. Apparently they have offered some buyouts and will be laying off a number of people. The joys of working in the automotive industry.

Later today have a turkey dinner with wine at the Senior Centre so also looking forward to that. Mandy's Mom is in town for a short while so will see her after lunch. Maybe she will even take some of the wrapped gifts home with her and then I don't have to worry about getting them to her house and what Son might say. Was suppose to cut way down with gifts this year and have done pretty well. About a third or more are things I had bought before last Christmas. Give 7 cookbooks each year and didn't buy any at all this year. Will have 1 to put aside for next year even. Not buying towels which was one thing I always bought but to get 10 decent towels gets to be too much.

Heard from Heather and hope to get together with her soon. Maybe she'll come to Port Huron on Saturday. Have to get my mail picked up and found out something I can get for the Grandson. He will be 15 on Monday and knows what he wants for clothes. Don't mind giving him money for one gift but would like to get him something for the other. So now I can go shopping for him after a talk with his Mom.

Had gone to bed when I got home tonight and watched TV for an hour or so. Slept for 3 hours then wide awake so have wrapped some more gifts, played some Solitare, read some blogs and now have done this entry. I am getting cold so rather than turn the heat up I am going to go to bed. Will turn some Christmas music on and settle down to warm up my bed. There will be plenty to do in the next few days so need my rest.

Oh yes, first thing in the morning I guess I better clear some things. Think my Son would like to have a place to sit down instead of the couch doing service as wrapping central.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Snow Day, Part 2

Just thought I would give you an update on what a few days can do.

This is the view from my front window - again with a pedestrian and car. Snow is barely to his knees now and the Postman is getting through. Has turned much warmer today so the roads sound very slushy as the cars go by.

The next picture is of the shed next door as seen from our kitchen window. Today is much greyer than the earlier picture I must admit.

Son had arranged for the young lad next door to do the sidewalks so I am very, very pleased. Now just to get it done the way I want -- like to walk the path beside the house and don't need any more than the one footpath for the last third of the laneway. Because of plants and such we rarely pull the car in any further.

Got the desk in the front room cleared off and Son moved the computer back in this weekend. I also bought a small cabinet to sit the CPU on so it gives me more desktop space AND a place to put paper supplies and such. Looks much neater now, I feel more organized AND we now again can watch TV while on the computer. Even have the light behind my chair plugged in, something that hasn't been done for the last 6 months. It is a trilight and a bendable arm light with a True Color bulb ideal for doing handwork with. Guess I better get my chair cleared off now. Thought I was going to use the table beside it for the CPU and just dumped things from it onto my chair. Move one thing and find 20 more things to do.

Working on some "mindless" knitting just now and looking like nothing is getting done so no pictures of it. Must get organized! Especially before my operation. Can do plenty of knitting then so trying now to get organized for Christmas and then.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Snow Day

Today was to be a Red Hat outing to Kitchener-Waterloo for the ChristKindl Market. Now in its 10th year I have gone a number of times and enjoyed it every time. Think it is an excellent use of the City Hall and suitable for the city that also has a huge Octoberfest event.

Nature had it's own plans however.
This was taken out my front window. No buses running today but managed to get a car going by to show the size of the drift behind it.

This is my back yard. Anyone for a swing? This is my Son's favorite spot in the summer.

For the first time ever this season, our temperature is colder than Edmonton - just by 1 degree at this time of day. Track that weather as my Sister's family are there. She ususally spends half the year there but this year she is in Florida. Gloating. Enjoying her Christmas decorations while wearing shorts and shirt sleeve tops. Swimming. Outside. And calling people up North to let them know.

I have a nice warm house, work to do, lots of knitting, lots of food - including "good" food, so other than being disappointed I'm not getting to K-W, today will be very good. Do hope the roads are clear by late this afternoon as Son is suppose to be heading back.

Did get a project done for the Red Hats but since they were for girfts, pictures will have to wait.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


At age 16, my son got a job in Mother's, an Italian style restaurant.

After 16 years, he has now left a job at East Side Marios, an Italian style restaurant.

This is going to feel very strange for both of us. No calls at all hours with work related questions, no going in for alarms in the middle of the night, no calls from the boss to ensure certain things were done, no fixing the plumbing or leaks, no working or training on your days off, no working until 2 a.m. and due back in at 7 a.m. and so many other things that were considered just part of doing his job well.

Monday starts the new job for a training company and entails work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with every weekend off. The hours alone are a major change. He is also getting involved in selling financial products which has been a growing interest for him in the last few years.

I am so pleased he has decided to do what feels right for him. Am also very sure he will do very well in his choosen fields.

And if not -- he can always go back to a restaurant. (Can say that here as he doesn't read my blog.)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Clarification Required

Had a phone call from my Sister. She is knitting a baby sweater but did not like the way it was working up in the yarn she had. There was some other yarn that worked to the same gauge but using a one size different needle and she was enquiring if she could do a straight substitution. Of course she could and once that was established we started talking about other matters.

When one of her great-grandsons was told of the marriage, his response was "Are they going to have any babies?" His mother didn't think so but let him call and ask directly.

Sister also didn't think so but she is knitting baby garments. Huh?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Best Wishes

"Finally, the increasingly weird actions of a loved one will make more sense."
My horoscope for today. Wonder if this would apply for the fact that while I was busy travelling and seeing the surgeon, my sister was getting married? She and Harry are spending 5 months in Florida this winter and, at a time when no family was visiting and/or advised, they got married. I have a sneaking suspicion that the plans were started several months ago but we haven't talked long enough last night when she told me for me to ask. Doesn't really matter anyway. They have been serious about each other for years and known each other for a lifetime almost so you certainly can't say they have rushed into it. They are old enough and trust both are in their right minds (Harry may question that for a defense in the future to get a rise out of her) that they know what they want. Both deserve the very best and I hope they will have many happy and healthy years together.

Now I will just have to remember to use her "new" name. The question now arises about a wedding gift as with 2 households and a trailer between them, I don't expect they need something for the house.

Spent today with Bev on a trip down to her hometown to take some things to a cousin. Was a sunny, clear day so lovely driving weather. Their house is right on the St. Clair River so a lovely view while visiting. Her cousin was very nice and welcoming. Nice opportunity to see Bev with family so really enjoyed the time. Having homemade chicken noodle soup and p0ppy seed cake sure didn't hurt either.

Got about an inch done on my green socks. Not much to see on the drive but haven't been that way for a couple of years so didn't knit the full time going. No knitting on the way back as it was too dark.

Good health, good wishes and good knitting

Friday, November 24, 2006

JANUARY 29, 2007

Yes I am shouting. I am so very happy. 65 days until I have a hip operation that the doctor said should have been done 12 to 18 months ago. Yes, I am severely handicaped by the degree of arthritis and the only cure for it is an operation. Both legs are considered weak so it may take me longer to recover but it is possible that I might not need my walker or cane by next summer.
For those that are interested --
January 4, 11:15 a.m. - Preop appointment with the doctor to ensure that everything looks good for the operation.
Sometime in the next week or two after that I will have an appointment at the hospital to see it, have the blood work done, etc. Although I lived in the area (Kitchener-Waterloo) for about 10 years, I have never been to the Cambridge Hospital.
January 28 - I will get to Cambridge to stay overnight at the Travelodge, 519.622.1180, to stay overnight so I don't have to worry about getting there real early the next morning in the middle of winter.
January 29, 8:15 a.m. - have to be at the hospital and 11:15 is the time of my operation.
Will have to stay in hospital 4 or 5 days usually and, because of the additional money given for hip and knee replacements, I should be able to have physio in London either at home or at St. Joseph's Hospital.
10 to 12 days after the operation I can have the staples removed and should be back in the water a few days after that.
Will see the surgeon 6 weeks after the operation for a follow-up evaluation.

Now to start organizing my bedroom and the spare room so that my bed will become a spot for me to lie down, view TV, read and knit. (Right now I also share it with some clothes that need to be sorted and moved.) Going to organize some kits with the yarn and pattern all together for ease. Have plenty of books set aside for variety. Ordered a refurbished laptop yesterday so hopefully Son will get the router set up again before I am home afterwards. Too bad I don't have a frig and microwave beside the bed but have to do a certain amount of exercise and they are near the washroom so will be able to get to them.

Have several projects at the point where they need concentrated attention and I am not ready to give them that. I therefore had to start a pair of socks for in my purse. They are a soft green with a bit of brown in them. Would love to show them to you but Son has moved the computer to the kitchen hoping for a better phone connection so he can upgrade the computer service. The printer and camera equipment is still in the front room until he knows if things are all going to the kitchen or back to the front room. Will be a few days before that question is answered. For the past 2 weeks he has been working and/or on errands from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. every day. (That is not an error in the times - starts early and been working very late.) Finishes Sunday with a 4 hour exam (his day off from work), Monday his usual 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and hopefully off on Tuesday. This decision to start a new part-time job is meaning a large time commitment just now.

Further to my post about the weekend in Toronto, the one granddaughter who went with me Saturday enjoyed the show so much that she bought tickets to take the youngest granddaughter to the show. Talked with her today and she really enjoyed the show. I hope you enjoy the picture taken afterwards.

Now to get an email sent to those I know who don't read my blog. Maybe I should just tell them to come here.
Health, laughter, best wishes and happy knitting to all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Show Time

I like free! Like most people, I think it is very nice when you get something for free.
The thought of getting tickets to not one but two shows I want to see is extraordinary. That is what happened this weekend.
Several months ago my son won a pass for two to the Blue Man Group in Toronto. Mandy's Mom picked up the tickets recently and was to go with me. Last week I got a phone call from a granddaughter who really, really wanted to see the group and asked very nicely for my ticket. I love her dearly but not that much. She asked if she could use her aunt's ticket who was in agreement with the arangement and who would still do the driving. That was fine with me.
Saturday morning I drove to Brampton with a stop in St Jacobs (yes, a bit out of my way - by about an hour) to deliver some items and ended up buying a pair of new crocs. No holes in them so will be nicer in the snow. Still managed to get to Brampton by 11. Mandy's Mom was busy having quality time with Mandy.

The finished product:

It is a swimming pool cake with loads of cookies, chocolates, and candy. Please note the diving board also. Alex had made one before Mandy was born so now it was her turn. Cookbook provided by yours truly.

Made us a bit late leaving the house and then Jessica wasn't quite ready so put us back a bit more. Thank goodness I didn't have to worry about driving, parking and such as we made it with 5 minutes to spare.
The show was fantastic! Lot of percussion music, some audience participation, and loads of laughter. Only 3 men on stage who do not talk at all, only using their eyes for expressions. I never knew that you could chew your cereal and have music. The audience at the end got wrapped in paper. All recycled paper we were told. Did buy a DVD of a show but they had the musicians on stage which I found somewhat distracting. Enjoyed the show we saw much more.
Mandy has decided that certain nights should be a special time with table cloths, "napkins" (paper towels), special drinks - wine for the adults and ginger ale for the others, AND dessert. (That is the reason for the cake) It used to be that date night was from the adults but now it includes the kids.
Sunday morning we had to be up and out of the house early for a 10 am FREE show in Toronto. Preview of Happy Feet. Well worth getting up early! Production on the show was started before March of the Penguins and takes an ecological look at saving them. You don't need kids to see the show with as there is a lot of adult humour and story and songs. Whether you remember the original songs or just enjoy how they are produced here, the songs are well integrated. The movie also teaches about the value of others who may be different. You may not realize all the lessons at the time as you might be too busy laughing and watching. The underwater swim sequence is beautiful. For me, it was a time warp to the Esther William's movies. Few others may remember them but when you see the movie, you might understand that she had the human version. I don't go to movies hardly at all and doubt I'll get any more free tickets to Happy Feet but I will be buying the movie when it comes out on DVD. Let her Aunt and Cousin take Mandy next time.
Had lunch at Ikea - like those meatballs. Also Mandy needed napkins for their next "date night".
Knitting news - got a few rows done waiting for the start of the move but that was about it. Have started something for Christmas so info about it will have to wait.
Also have some fantastic news about my son but until more details are worked out and finalized, I will also have to wait on that. Or interested parties can email me for the currant status.

Enjoy today.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Scarf is here!

Got a blog so I could do a scarf exchange and today I received my scarf. It is a long, narrow, entrelac scarf in 3 colors that is sewn to make a tube and therefore it is reversible and nice on all sides. Made of Cascade 220 (which is just coming into one of our local yarn stores), the darkest shade is the same as the arms of the knit jacket I wear each Spring and Fall. The other 2 colors are ones that I would certainly have picked for myself.

Knit by Angie, a university student at San Jose campus of USC, she also sent some local postcards and candy. And a letter introducing herself. I am so delighted and thrilled by it. Will certainly do an exchange again as I have met two very nice people from the 2 exchanges I have done. And gotten two lovely and very different scarfs.

It had been a miserable day starting with getting up to leave the house by 7 a.m. That hour has sort of disappeared from my life since retiring. Had to get Son to his couin's so he could take her to an appointment in Sarnia. Then car to the repair shop and later to an exercise class in warm water. It is grey and rainy also. And to top it off, the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon that I have waited 10 months for has been moved to November 24. All I could think of is that means that more people will be operated on before me. However, I do have a lovely scarf and goodies to delight in.

Since I was posting pictures, I am going to add a picture of half my goodies from the book shopping trip and of my Mandy witch. Isn't she a sweetheart? LOL

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Week in Review

Monday was swimming then to the Chiropractor. Have gone off and on for the last few years to a practise where they do Wellness Management which means they gently touch contact points on the spine and allow the body to heal itself. I find it highly effective and I don't tense up when they want to touch my neck. Only problem is I hadn't been for almost two months so my one leg as 2" shorter than the other. Any questions as to why my back hurts? Did remember enough so that after only a few minutes I was 1/2' difference and I can manage that. Must plan better so I go more often.

Did some light shopping and then met my Sister and Harry at East Side Mario's. David was able to sit down for most of the meal so we had a nice visit and good meal. I had the Goat Cheese stuffed Chicken which I will duplicate at home for certain as I would have liked more cheese. None of us had dessert which was a bit of a surprise.

Tuesday Sister and Harry left for Florida. They are pulling a trailer and will stay for 5 months with a week or so in Edmonton at Christmas to see her family. No rain here so hope they have a clear trip down. I got to go swimming in the warm pool while they drive to the warmth.

Wednesday was Red Hats. Four of us went to a restraunt just outside the city so a very nice drive. The Little Beaver prepares fresh, home cooked food with nothing fancy. The price is also very reasonable and the desserts are worth a special trip just for them. Two had not been before so it was a very nice treat for them.

Went looking for a Christmas House supposedly nearby but it hasn't opened yet for the season. Ended up going miles the other direction to a very nice place called Winter Wheat. It is a real treat to visit any time of the year and I hope you will take a few minutes to visit their web site. This will give you a much better idea of the interesting things there.

Thursday was knitting and swimming. Everyone is getting ready for the Bazaar and I work on my own thing. Feel bad about it so brought home some sewing to do. Next year when I see what they sell and what might sell then I'll get busy. Certainly have enough yarn and material to get things for them.

Mandy's Mom phoned to let me know she has picked up the tickets for the Blue Man Group in Toronto on November 11th. Easy date to remember. Son had won the tickets this summer and gave them to us. I have seen the group in some ads and a TV show so really looking forward to it.

Friday Mandy's Mom called again to say she was clear on Wednesday and would meet me in Cambridge for my surgeon's appointment. I don't really need anyone with me for this meeting but it will be nice to visit with her and have something to eat afterwards. Think she just wants to be the first to find out the date. My sister called and she expects a phone call that night as their internet is not hooked up as yet.

Sister tried to get me going by saying it was 80 and sunny since they got there. Only thing I envy is the pool to use anytime and there are daily exercise classes. They had car problems on the way which put them behind. Got to drive through Cinncinati and Atlanta at rush hour. Not fun. They are there now and all set-up so now the sitting, relaxing and swimming can get started.

Saturday and I am reading blogs, indexing some books, cleaning some areas, and knitting. Son has my camera so no pictures but I just have to graft some stitches and thread in 4 ends on my green socks. Half through the yarn from Lucy's scarf so getting something done on it also.

Enjoy life.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Book Trip

Once a year, Mandy's Mom's work has a warehouse sale to benefit the United Way and Food Bank. So on a cold, windry, grey, wet Saturday morning Sister, Bev and I ventured off on a book trip. We always receive generously from Mandy's Mom but there is something about a BIG warehouse full of books that calls.

Shortest, fastest, and the most stressful way to get there is the 401 into Toronto and 404 north. Even at 7 on a Saturday morning, that route does not in the least interest me so we head north well before Toronto and head north east towards our destination. Very good roads, very little traffic and some lovely views even thought they included rain and some snow.

Late enough to our destination that we had no lineup to meet up with the rest of the party. For 3 people who were not going to buy much, a large box, several big purses and baskets were used. I bought mostly box sets of a small book and related items such as ....would outline more clearly but not sure what all I am giving and to whom so think details better wait.

After shopping comes eating. Went to a nearby Swiss Chalet which was nice but could have used a faster server. Afterwards came even more shopping for our car - there are two wool shops in a nearby city but we were good and only visited one of them. And amazingly, only one book was purchased and NOT by me. Saw some lovely yarns though and a sweater on display that Sister was impressed by. Maybe we can get details worked out before she leaves Tuesday.

Headed home across country somewhat but hooked up with the 401 just past Brampton. Went past Maple Leaf Chicken plant and store so had a stop there. Sister did my shopping for me so I got luncheon meat, a cooked chicken, some chicken breasts, cole slaw and some lovely wedge cut fries which served as a snack for us. Made it easier when we got home - unloaded each at their home, brought myself and walker into the house, had a bit of chicken and went to bed.

Of course, today has been bright and very sunny and I am having a pj day but we had a great time and that is the main thing.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Christmas & Birthday Celebration

After helping me on several questions for my blog, my daughter Flit has decided to start her own. Word of warning -- she doesn't knit or do crafts. Presently she teaches at a college and is taking English courses for her University degree. You can check out her writting at the following noted location:

Went to Port Huron today with my Sister to buy her Christmas present. She had looked around when she was down several weeks ago for Scrabble games but wasn't sure then what she wanted. Made it easy for myself and offered to buy a set for her. There was some pants she had looked at before and didn't buy so she purchased them today. I was fairly good - no yarn, 3 tops on sale from J.C. Penny but nothing from Bon Worth, and no books. One transgression out of 4 I think is something to be proud of. Had a nice lunch at the Olive Garden which I haven't been to for about 10 years.

Her daughter has a birthday today so to celebrate we took the daughter's second eldest daughter out to party. Had a lovely time at The Mongolian Grill. Only one thing overlooked - no cake or dessert. Hope someone provided one for Margaret Ann and that she has an outstanding day.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Scarf Sent

Took time on the weekend to block the scarf and sent it away today with a few goodies. I am very glad to have it all done. Very curious and somewhat anxious about the response. This is only the second time I have been in an exchange so still unsure of "proper procedures". The scarf is the colors mentioned, almost twice the length of my ironing board (which is what I blocked it on) and 6 1/2" wide. Since it is all lace, I thought the finished width qualified as narrow. Now the waiting for her response and for the scarf coming to me. Meanwhile, here are a few pictures for you.

Folded in half on the ironing board. Ran tape through the holes in the border lace along the edge of the center lace. Made it much easier to block.

The scarf end on the right shows the right side of the knitting and the left end is of the reverse side. I personally like both sides but the edge border has a more definite "right" side.

Also, in further knitting news, my friend Bev and I went to Kitchener Sunday afternoon. Sylvia, owner of Knit Werks, had arrange for Jane Ellison to speak. Jane writes the winter pattern books for Noro and designs for several other English yarn companies all the while working full time. She truly enjoys designing and the Noro yarns. It was very interesting to hear her speak and to see the wide assortment of yarns and pattern books. The room held 50 people and I think everyone went home with patterns and/or yarn for a project.

I only bought 4 balls which I think will become a felted purse. Had thought to start the Leaping Lizard pattern that I have seen on several sites but don't think that a hand washable afghan would be appreciated in my house or by any of my children. Also bought 2 pattern books so maybe after looking at them closely I may change my mind.

Had a lovely meal at Oscars before the event. Hash browns, spinach, peppers, mushrooms, onions and cheese served in a dish with a small serving of baked beans and 2 eggs done any style for $7.95. Also 2 slices of toast. There was almost enough for two people except I was very hungry by the time it arrived so there was no sharing and also no dessert which is a surprise when we go there.

There was tea, coffee and some lovely desserts at the gathering so did well there. Very cold, damp, rainy day so broke the trip home in the dark by stopping at a restraunt in a town near home. Had a lovely meal at a reasonable price so will have to stop there another time. They had HOT homemade soup which is an attraction in itself.

Will leave the rest of the news for another post as I am having a hard time being up tonight. Time for my bed, TV and knitting.

With the yarn left after making Lucy's scarf, I have started some fingerless mittens. Having the same problem as with the scarf -- am on about the 6th start. Hopefully they will soon start going much better. Certainly threatens my confidence as a knitter.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One Done

Finished knitting the ISC3 scarf. Have to finish off a few ends and block it so I am very pleased. Nearly 7' at this point so should qualify as a long scarf. Very grey and rainy today so will leave the pictures until I have it blocked. Just have one or two small things I would like to pick up to go with it as small added gifts.

Lucy's scarf has been ripped out about 10 more times as didn't like the look I was getting, next time I cast on the wrong number of stitches, started the pattern too soon, pattern wasn't showing up, edgeing didn't look right -- you name it, I found a reason to rip out. Tried another pattern very early this morning when I couldn't sleep so will have to check it out in the clear light of day to see if it will work. Have one or two ideas if this latest pattern doesn't work.

Enjoy the process.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Thanks, Flit

I consider myself fairly familiar with computers but have not tried anything with Blogs and working with HTML and such until I started this blog. Thought that since my eldest was teaching Computer courses at a college that maybe she would act as my resource person.

Right now she is taking University English courses, teaching computer courses, caretaker to her mother-in-law who has Alzheimer's, repairing computers and is the mother of two. (The girls are at colleges but very quick to phone and/or text their Mother.)

Then I forward her a request to put a ticker tape on my blog and within a day it is all done. She also said that I might have a calendar soon. I really appreciate her efforts and her taking the time to do it. I am truly impressed by all that she is doing so to get something done for me and done so quickly is very, very special.

Thanks every so much, Flit.
Feel free to add a picture of your backyard view at anytime. Especially since I haven't posted any pictures lately.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Snow and Stitching

Well, we had our first snow yesterday and today. It certainly is not staying but it is definitely cold enough. And windy. Saw plenty of winter coats on people today. Felt so sorry for those standing at bus stops as I have done that a lot and know how quickly and how much you can feel the cold. One lady had her fur trimmed hood up today at one bus stop. You could tell I had a car today as I am wearing a very light coat over a bulky sweater. With Crocs on my feet and no socks. That is what I will hopefully be wearing most if not all this winter. It is too difficult to get socks on but maybe I'll have to wear my other backless shoes when the snow starts staying. The holes around my toes on the Crocs let in just a bit too much.

My ISE scarf is coming along very well. The baseball series sure helps me in getting a lot of easy knitting done. All of the large ball I had wound has been knit with. The scarf is quite long but my Scarf Receiver likes them very long so I plan to use all of the small ball that I had started knitting with. At the "old" guage there is 12" of knitting so I hopefuly should get almost double that with the new guage. Really hope to have it done by the end of next week and in the mail to her.

Have been getting in a routine of going to the HSSC three times a week and I am really enjoying it. Have the bus set for Tuesday and Thursdays now and will drive myself on the Mondays when I normally have the car anyway. Mondays will be an aquafit class and some time in the Hot Tub and on the exercise bike and free weights in the Weight Room. Tuesdays is a Joint Fit class in the Wellness Pool at the warmer temperature. Thursday is also a Join Fit class after a knitting group. Will also try to do the exercise bike on those days.
26 days to the Specialist.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Keeping Busy

Will try to get everything in order to get up to today.

Got the book read by Monica Ferris -- Embroidered Truths. The shop caters to all the needlecrafts so each book can have a sort of theme. In this book, the gay manager, Godwin, is thrown out of their apartment by his partner and he comes to Betsy Devonshire, the store owner and friend. The partner is murdered and, of course, our hero is arrested and Betsy gets involved. This book had very well drawn characters who it was easy to get interested in.
Would I buy it - probably
Would I read more by her - definitely.

Monday was a trip to Port Huron with my Sister, her daughter-in-law Margaret and her friend Cheryl. Cheryl drove her van so was nice not too drive and was very comfortable. We visited a number of stores but did not get to Cracker Barrel which Sister had really wanted to show Margaret. Good excuse for another trip. I can remeber when it was a very big deal to make the hour trip across the border. My folks enjoyed going on a Sunday afternoon for shopping (Mom) and the bar (Dad). My Sister and her kids would go for shopping, picnics and boat watching. There is still a difference in the stores, products and styles available and the difference in prices still make it an enjoyable trip. This time I only got one book on sale but I find I find the difference in prices worthwhile. When there is $5 to $9 difference in a book's price and I am buying several books, and I get a day out with a friend, a meal at a different restaurant, and the exchange is fairly favourable, I think it makes sense to buy in the States.

Went to Hooks for supper with all of Cheryl's family and my son. They have a nice buffet and on Monday's the price is 2 for 1. Nice to visit with everyone but by 8:30 it was much nicer to be able to go home to my own bed.

Tuesday was the first day for Joint Fit. It was a very easy, slow moving class designed to stretch and use joints that are affected by arthritis. Only about 16 people including 1 man, it was a fun class and I do like the instructor. The water didn't seem too warm until you put your hand in the other side of the pool which is heated to 84 and it felt like ice water. Patio tables and chairs and some palm trees around the edge so it is also a very pleasant spot. Looking forward to my next class.

Wednesday was another meal out - this time the Mandarin which again is Chinese and Canadian buffet but I think it is more extensive and better food. The Red Hat group went out with 2 guests of Margaret and Lorna's daughter Heather. I really enjoyed our time together. Afterwards, Sister and Margaret went to visit a nursing home, Heather and Lorna went shopping, and Bev and I went to get her sewing machine from repairs and to a yarn shop. Very proud of myself as I didn't buy anything.

Thursday Sister, Bev, and I drove to Toronto to take Margaret to the airport. Stopped in Brampton for a lovely breakfast and visit with my youngest. This was the only opportunity for her to meet with Margaret. Afterwards we went to Ikea to meet DDA again before she headed into Toronto and we went to Red Lobster for a late lunch. Let Bev and Sister shop a bed & bath store that has been out West but just opening down here. For some reason, I enjoyed a few minutes of just sitting. My left leg was just too sore and I hated the thought of getting into the truck.

Coming home my throat was getting sore and Friday the sniffles started in earnest. My eyes are burning and I certainly don't want to focus on knitting, reading or TV. Probably plenty of typing errors but I often type with my eyes closed and doing it now. Have started the dosages of Cold FX so don't expect to be suffering for too many days.

I had been invited to Brampton for Thanksgiving and thought about going but certainly didn't feel I could drive it myself after all the activities I've had this week. Packed my bag and thought I would just stay on Thursday but Son forgot to pick up my perscriptions so couldn't go three or four days without them. Turned out I had to pay the yearly deductable of $100 so just as well I didn't stay.

Hope any and all Canadian readers have a very Happy Thanksgiving and get to celebrate with family and/or friends.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lucy's Scarf

A number of years ago I worked for a rehabilitation company. On behalf of the insurance companies, we ensured that people who had been moderately to severely injured in an automobile accident were receiving timely and effective care. This was before the more recent changes in car insurance here in Ontario.

We invoiced daily and did payroll biweekly so we had need of a backup person for me. The first person hired was Irene who became a very close friend and who died last year of breast cancer. I'll tell her story another time. The second person hired was Lucy who also became a close friend to both Irene and I. We had many good visits and meals as a threesome.

Lucy came to Canada from Korea and lived a number of years in this area so we have many things in common. Her daughter is now married, living in Calgary and has 2 beautiful daughters. Her son married last year and will have a new baby this fall and lives in Chicago. After many years of travelling back and forth between the 3 places, she and Young, her husband, have decided to move to Calgary.

As a farewell gift, I wanted to make her a pair of socks but she said no. Now some may find this very surprising, but that was her response. Instead she suggested a scarf before trying to talk me out of making her anything. Now how can she expect to remember me if she does not have at least some small token gift from me? So a scarf it is and into the yarn shop we headed. She suggested black to go with her new coat but any knitter will understand why I did not jump for joy with that suggestion. Ended up with a nice black and grey mix in alpaca. Lucy suggested very narrow which is always nice, and not too long which I could also agree with. Found several patterns I did like as there is no way it could be plain - it would be easier just to buy a scarf and I wanted something special.

We bought the yarn several months ago but haven't wanted to start as that would mean that she is actually going. The house now has a conditional offer, she is back from a visit to arrange things in Calgary where they have purchased a house, and has started packing so I decided I better face reality and get started. It is the first project in ages that I have started about 6 times before I have found the right pattern and rhythm. Did get 4 repeats of the 4 row pattern on 29 stitches done this morning after all the starting overs so it is a start. This now means that I have 2 scarfs and 2 pairs of socks that I can choose for "easy" knitting. I wonder where my eldest and her youngest get their ADD from?

Will post a picture of the scarf when it gets longer. I am accepting the fact that Lucy is moving away.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Back in Service

Son has been trying to change our style of internet service so we can have phone and the internet at the same time. He started four days ago but it is not fully set-up as yet. He assured me this morning that I could still use the internet as dial up. I very quickly told him that was what I had been trying to do but everything came back as "Server Not Found". He very nicely sat down and got it adjusted so I am very pleased to get internet today even if the phone doesn't work at the same time.

I have been knitting. Have more than doubled what was in the picture of the scarf. There even has been progress on some socks of which there are about 4 pairs on the needles. Will take a picture when they look more presentable.

I have also done something good for myself. Yesterday I went to the Boys and Girls Club, took a tour, and signed up to join the Horton Street Seniors' Center that meet in the facilities. With a brand new Olympic sized swimming pool warmed to 84F and half the previous pool at 94F, I am really looking forward to getting back in the water. There is a new program starting Tuesday called Joint Fit that meets in the heated pool. My registration is complete, my payment made, and my swimming bag almost ready. Just need to add a towel and my gym shoes as you have to have them for some areas so they may as well always be in my bag. As an added benefit for the days when I don't have a car ride, for 50cents a trip more, their bus will take me door to door instead of my having to use 3 city buses. I have to admit that was a big incentive. The overall total cost will be about half that of the Y, which is a nice thing, and there are more services and activities to take part in. Maybe next year I will take up shuffelboard although I really doubt it.

Now have the book that I had mentioned earlier. Know that I copied the pattern from it and couldn't even find that but DDA came through and sent me a copy of the book and another one involving embroidery. For the knitting book - A Deadly Yarn by Maggie Sefton The heroine, Kelly Flynn, has a knitting store with cafe beside her house. I like that set-up already. Kelly has been getting involved in the Fiber Art community of Fort Connor, Colorado, and with ranchers and miners in the community. Her introduction came in the previous books called Needled to Death and Knit One, Kill Two. In many ways I thought of the book as a knitting Nancy Drew as, although it was entertaining for a knitter, there was no deep character development or suspense. Enjoyable, light reading.
Would I buy it - maybe
Would I check the library - yes
Would I look for other books by her - yes

The other book is the latest in Monica Ferris' Needlecraft mystery series. Here the main character is Betsy Devonshire, a "full-time needlework shop owner and part-time sleuth". This should make good reading while I have supper tonight. Son at work so I'll head off to make an omelet for myself now.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Finished knitting the small ball I had wound for the ISE and realized that it would never be long enough and each row was taking way too long. Just too stuborn though as I did another few rows while I debated what I could do.

Finally acknowledged the trust and, using the 2nd and larger ball I had wound, I started the scarf again using larger needles. It is going much faster and will surely be a much longer scarf.

On the left is 6 hours knitting on the new needles and on the right about 60 hours knitting on the smaller needles. Will leave the one on the needles until I need the yarn as don't want to wind it again. Seemed to drop it too often. I really hated chasing it.

Went for my yearly eye exam this morning. Next year I hope to remember to make it for a day David is off or someone is about to drive me. The office is not too far from home but I am certainly not comfortable driving it after the drops in my eyes. At least this year they didn't seem to bother my stomach. Only a slight change in my eyes so don't need to have my glasses changed.

I had thought my sister would be around but she had to leave too early to help. She is off to New York City for 5 days with a daughter-in-law and 2 granddaughters so it should be fun. Going to Ground Zero and some Broadway shows and a sightseeing tour is what I would like.

Now off to get some scarf knitting done.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I hand wanted to post about the 3 books I read last weekend but found I threw out the info about one so that one will have to wait. Just to keep you curious it was a murder mystery with knitting.

I got handed 2 books and told I could read them but NOT take them home. Thought it best to choose one so, based on the brief writeup and author's name, I chose "Trouble". All I could say when finished was where was the author's first one (Sunstroke) as this one was a fascinating read. It is told by a young man who rushes to the aid of a young woman and all the trouble she causes him. There were a few spots where my interest seem to lag but this may not be the final draft and the moments were so brief. They were noticeable only because the rest of the book held my interest so very much. I probably shouldn't have but made it a one night read. The author is Jesse Kellerman and, with noted writers as parents, he can definitely stand on his own. And yes, his first book has been requested.
Would I buy it - Yes
Would I look for other books by him - Yes

The second book I read was totally different. It is "The Knitting Circle" by Ann Hood. To quote from the back of the cover, "After the sudden loss of her only child, Mary Baxter joins a knitting circle in Providence, Rhode Island, as a way to fill the empty hours and lonely days, not knowing that it will change her life." The book explains how she came to join the group and the women she met and the new techniques that she learns from each. The new techniques are not fully explained so don't expect to use this as a knitting instructive book. The introductions to several of the women seemed very contrived. She talks about making certain projects for Christmas but there is no indication if they were given, how they were received, and all that "stuff" important to a knitter. Apparently the book will be out in January 2007 and will cost $32.95 Canadian.
Would I buy it - No.
Would I borrow it from the library or a friend - Yes.
Would I look for other books by her (has 7 + short-story collection) - Maybe

Right now I am reading "Arthritis RX" by Vijay Vad, M.D. Agree with what I have read so far but not really into it. This has been the week of new shows and I am working hard on my scarf so reading can wait. Right now, it is a windy, rainy afternoon and time for supper so I am off to get some soup my son made Friday, read some blogs and then to knit.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thank You

Have to start with a great big thank you to my One Skein Secret Pal. For the final gift, I received this gorgeous scarf. Thank you so very much, Pat.

The pattern is adapted from the last issue of Vogue Knitting to make it a scarf size and it is suri alpaca. Perfect width and length for under my dress coat. Right now it is sitting around my shoulders as the house is a bit chilly but not enough to turn the heat on. This is soooooooo much nicer.

In the first two months I received these two skeins. The first was from the Snow Leopard Trust and is Handspun Camel Wool, made in Mongolia. There is 150 to 200 yrs of bulky yarn that is surprisingly soft. Thinking about fingerless gloves for it.
The other yarn is Misti Alpaca, 100% baby Alpaca worsted 4ply. Have some cream in the same weight so thought they would make a gorgeous patterned tam or hat. The colors don't show too well but, trust me, they are perfect colors for me.

Have 4 pairs of socks half done so want to get a least two of them off the needles before I start the projects for me.

(Must find out how to make lists down the side to I can list the projects and my progress on them.)

Did enjoy this exchange and the lovely gifts sent me so I am doing the International Scarf as noted in a previous post. Scarf is going well but very slowly. I may have to change the yarn and pattern choosen if it doesn't progress faster.

On the weekend, I worked on another project so that I could use my DDA's washing machine and felt it. Got the purse knit from the kit I received as a door prize. Changed the top a bit because I did not want the full cord closing so now there are two short cords to hold the sides pleated and the slit hand hold. Going to put some plastic canvas in to keep the bottom flat and then it will be ready for use. Very pleased on how the colors worked out and how the felting went. Would I felt something again - definitely yes. Would I buy 3 balls of Noro for felting - doubt that very much due strictly because of the cost.

One thing I forgot to mention about Humber Nursery was the cute Weather Station they had outside. Thought it was nice with DGDA. (Also have to learn now to make the picture go bigger when you click on it -- HELP, Lee) The idea if the sign is that if the rock hanging beside the word Entrance is wet, then it is raining, if it has snow on it, then it is snowing, etc.

Had a marvelous lobster dinner with some adjustments. The company sent the extra 2 lobsters ordered but did not send the two free ones and the pound of shrimp that were on the gift voucher. Hopefully they arrived Monday but I haven't heard yet who got to eat them. DGSA has decided he likes lobster. The first time they were in the house he was only 3 or so and he named them. It took some fast talking as to why he couldn't play with them the next day. This time he named them Tasty and Delicious and was quite willing to dig in to eat them.

Trip home Monday morning went well after I dropped DGDA at school. Mom had an appointment at 9 so rather than leave real early that morning, she had headed over Sunday night. Only drawback on the trip is that I couldn't knit in the car.

This is getting very long so next time I will tell you about the books I read.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Child sitting

Got a call from DDA that she needed a babysitter for Friday. School has just started but the teachers need a Professional Development Day for paperwork, adjust class size, etc. Wasn't sure I was up to coming but hadn't been out of the house since Saturday evening so decided that was part of the reason I didn't want to move. Very glad I decided to come.

DGDA has been a pleasure to be with today. She wanted a pj day but settled for just the morning. Out shopping this afternoon and got her a good start on her Halloween costume. We couldn't find a nice tea shop nearby so settled on Licks for a hamburg for me and hot dog for her. It has been several years since I have had one at the store so it was a nice change. DGDA also received a coupon for an ice cream cone so she thinks that was quite a bonus since it will mean another trip there.

We also went to Humber Nursery which is huge. In one back corner is a butterfly area so it was very interesting to see the various plants and butterflies. Right next to it were their ponds with Koi and goldfish. We could also buy fish food which turned out to be the best 25 cents I've spent in a long time. The fish were very eager to be fed and there was a great deal of splashing and jumping going on. Naturally I had forgotten to take my camera but did take some outside the building just before we left.

Last night we had chicken which DGDA was not thrilled about so tonight she got her piazza. A small cheese just for her, pepperoni medium for DGSA (the grandson is 14), and a large perogi piazza for the adults. Worked out well. (just realized the time - writing this as if it is Friday night but see that it is after 2 a.m. Saturday.)

Since there are several things going on this weekend, and a craft fair also nearby, and someone is needed to get DGDA to school Monday morning, I guess I better get some sleep tonight and will probably stay over until Monday morning. Especially since there is lobster and shrimp on the menu for Saturday night.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fall is Here

No, I haven't seen a lot of leaves that have changed color. While the weather has cooled off a bit, there isn't that feel of autumn but I know that Fall has come.

The K-W Knitters' Fair was held on Saturday and, for me, marks the change of seasons. I had planned to post when I got home but the sensory overload did me in.

Imagine a large ballroom with 7 lengths of displays. Displays of finished items, yarn, patterns, yarn, books, yarn, notions, spinning wheels and spindles, and 1 lone booth with the loveliest sweetgrass woven baskets. The stores ranged in size and products from Herschner's to a local alpaca producer. The colors! The patterns! And the people! Focused, busy, numerous, polite and some wearing their own creations. I very much enjoy the people watching.

Had a very nice time and even won a door prize for the first time ever although I have been going for several years. The prize consists of 3 balls of Noro and the pattern for a lovely felted purse in a plastic project bag. The lady from Sheep Strings (sorry I didn't get her name) had included the brown shades as a nice neutral choice for a door prize. When I went over to thank her for donating a door prize, she asked if I wanted to change the colors. (I guess she could tell I wasn't a brown purse person since I was carrying a nice white, large lamb purse wearing a red hat.) Such nice service and when I get to Huntsville I most certainly will be stopping in. The picture of the shop alone is enough to lure me in.

Had ordered 2 balls of Noro in a color called Silver Thaw from Knitwerks so made arrangements to pick it up at the show. Sylvia has such lovely yarn on sale and in her shop that I couldn't resist. This is the first Noro I had ever bought so did well with Noro this weekend. Now to decide on a special project for the the 440 meters.

Also bought some Hand Maiden yarn that I have only fondled before. The purple and blues are the colors my ISC3 Getter says that she wants. Since I like my scarfs reversible, I think a nice 10" wide scarf using all the yarn in a fairly open lace pattern would look very nice and meet all requirements. The yarn is 55% silk and 45% Cashmere so the feel and sheen is outstanding. Made in Canada which makes it extremely nice and appropriate for a secret pal in the United States.

Since today is the 5th anniversary of THE 9-11, I am going to start working on it now. There was such an impact at that time that has never fully been resolved nor healed. I very much doubt that it will be in my lifetime. With a lot of sorrow in my heart for those who died and their families and friends who daily must face the lost, and with a growing hope for the future, maybe I can work the feelings into the scarf to make it even more special. It seems like such a small effort but the world is only going to be changed as individual members of the world make changes. Things like taking responsibility for our actions, considering other people, and acting as we want others to act does create changes. There also has to be much more than the fine promises made in the wake of and on the anniversary of tragedies like 9-11 and Katrina.

Mambocat's entry for today helped me to recall what I was doing in 2001. Now I am off to make my memories for the 5 year anniversary.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


One day of the year I did not want child #3 born. Any guesses as to what day she chose?

Babies teeth usually come in as both bottom and then both top. Not hers - opposing bottom than top.

Tired beyond belief, she would NOT have a nap in her bed. Left alone in the bedroom after a major triumph on my side, she fell asleep - on the floor.

Deciding her trike had to be upstairs NOW so nobody could touch it, she tried carrying it up 2 flights of stairs. She now has a permanent bump in the middle of her forehead from when she fell and banged herself.

The only description of her would be that she was herself.

She has grown into an exceptional woman who has been with the same man since she was 14, is raising two lovely children, is a hard working employee in book sales, is a caring and supportive friend, is a very nice person to be with -- I could go on and on.

Have tried several times these past few days to talk on the phone with her but she has been busy with hockey (son) and friends. Will try again shortly but think the world should know about her first.

Thought DDA might appreciate this picture of her daughter all lite up special for her birthday.....

So, dear DDA, have a great day, some time for yourself, some great food cooked for you and a fantastic year ahead.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Have heard from the person who recieved my name for the scarf exchange and have sent a message to the person to whom I am to send a scarf.

Pal Getting likes the same colors that I do so it makes that part much easier. Saturday is the K-W Knitters' Fair with over 40 vendors selling knitting realated items ONLY. Think I will be able to find something suitable? Might take some looking but that is the fun of going. Can easily justify buying more yarn as my stash yarn in those colours were bought for specific projects that I will get done. And I do NOT need any comments about when that might be.

Next week I'll decide on the width and pattern for the scarf. Have no need of any additional patterns as I am determined to use one I already have. Feeling quite proud also as have indexed all the Barbara Walker Treasuries and indicated some patterns I thought would be nice in scarfs. I will also be working on a scarf for a friend moving to Calgary. She helped pick out the yarn but I am choosing the stitch pattern.

On another subject, have the camera all setup now so here are some for your viewing pleasure (and my practise)

View out my front window of my garden and the hail. When we moved in there was a very small patch of grass which I have now turned into all plants. Much more fun to care for and don't have to wait for someone else to cut the grass.

Below are the socks my sister ended up with for her birthday. The have a zigzag pattern up the back for wearing with clogs. Good thing I like the other 3 choices of yarn I had given her.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Red Hats

The first Wednesday of each month there are a few ladies who get together for supper out. Dressed in our finest red and purple, we enjoy the company and try restaurants we may not be too familiar with. We have also gone shopping and to the theatre. The evening out is something I really look forward to. One of the ladies turns 83 this month and one has just retired so we have different histories and backgrounds but really enjoy each others company. How nice it is to be able to celebrate just being who we are, laughing together and doing something different.

And since there were birthdays this month, there had to be gifts. Although both birthday persons enjoyed their gifts (a red pail filled with red gifts), I think I had even more fun putting it together. Shopping meant I had to visit several dollar stores to get the assortment I wanted. Maybe next year I'll look for purple items! But before then I'll have to think of something red for Christmas. Actually, that should be much easier. Now really though, what do you get an 83 year old who has 8 children and numerous grand and great-grand children and enough bead craft supplies that she figures on living to 110 to use it up? I get the fun of shopping in any event! How great is that.

Have now put my camera on the charger so will be able to use it shortly. Still have to wait for my son to connect it to the computer. Did get pictures yesterday before the battery decided it needed a rest. Had a very heavy thunderstorm with pea sized hail. For a short time there, the road in front of our house was entirely covered with water but it drained fairly quickly. Gorgeous sunny, warm day today.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


We all take our hands for granted and never really closely notice them. I've used mine in all the expected practical and prosaic ways that can be expected from a "normal" life. My work required a lot of typing and, by choice, at home I have done a lot of knitting.

This weekend I did take particular notice of my hands, however. There was a very simple knot in my knitting caused by the yarn looping around a length of yarn and becoming tight. Nothing real drastic or complicated or newsworthy. The fact is it took me several minutes to unloop the yarn because I could not get a good grip with my thumb and finger. Was very discouraged by the fact especially since the one finger is no longer straight due to artritic nodes in the joint. I am just going to have to hope that knitting and increasing the typing I do will help keep them nimble for a long, long time.

I must admit that this past month I haven't had the occasionaly pain that I would often get. Since I would often use the tip of my finger to help push a knitting needle through, there have been times when I have had to switch projects or stop for awhile due to the pain in my misshapened finger. But not this month! Have been using the cream Topricin that Galina Khmeleva recommended during a recent workshop. And I must also say that the company gives excellent service. I ordered some of their arthritis pills Thursday afternoon on the web and they were in my mailbox the next day. (Just did a search on Google to get to the web site.) Will be interesting to see if these pills work as well as the cream.

Well, enough typing for now and will take a break for some knitting.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today is my sister's birthday. She is not close by so we can celebrate it together but I am thinking of her a lot. A present was sent with her to open today so I hope she enjoys it. Her and The Man are camping at a music festival. (Not that I think that is much fun today as it is raining where I am and expected to rain where she is but hopefully the music and people are worth it all.)

Like most sisters, we have had our share of bickering and differences but I know she has always been there for me and would do almost anything for me. An example - when she bought her new truck and trailer, she considered how I would be able to get in and around in them. Even tested out the washroom. Now that is consideration.

Sis has a great sense of humour, a real devotion to her family and friends, is a good cook, enjoys crafts, reads even more than I do, enjoys boat and raft and water ski rides, and is always willing to try something new.

Wishing her many, many more years and new experiences.

(Isn't this much better than my singing for you?)

Friday, September 01, 2006


Wasn't able to make it to Mepknit's party last night but apparently it went very well. Even the president of the company stopped by to wish her well. She has plans for a two week holiday and then will start volunteering and doing much more.

Today we went to Port Huron for a day out. The border crossing guards liked the fact that we were having a celebration of her first day of retirement. Did the things you should do -- sat by the water to have a leisurely lunch AND dessert. Isn't that the plan?

Now to have an early evening.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Beginnings

Today is the last day of work for my friend, Mepknit. After many years of factory work, she will join me in retirement. We have already planned a day trip for tomorrow. It will be nice to have someone around who is free during the day, has a car, and does more crafts than I do. I know she will soon have a lot of things on the go and her husband has lots of plans for her. She will definitely be one of those persons who will enjoy retirement -- doing all the things she enjoyed before without the hassel of work to interfere. Knitting, quilting, doll making, ceramics, leather work, reading, cooking, grandchildren and a great-granchild -- sounds like enough to keep her busy for awhile. She also said she would join an exercise program with me.

For the past few months I have been going to the YMCA. I really enjoy the shallow water aquatic program but found it was bothering my leg. (Have had a hip replacement on the right and see the surgeon in November about the left leg. Will save that rant for later.) The deep water program didn't help so now I do the shallow water program with a bouancy (sp?) belt on. Really helps as I don't have to touch the bottom and yet I don't have my leg down fully working against the water.

The cost of the Y is high for what I am getting from it and the Boys and Girls Club has been getting a huge make over and addition. Costs would be about half that of the Y and, when I don't have the car or Mepknit, I can get a bus ride from my door to the Club for $3. Compares well with $2.50 to take 3 city buses to get there. So we will have that new beginning next week.

No new beginning on a project though. Project of the day is a pair of green socks, toe up on 2 cirs, in Elsebeth Lavold Hempathy yarn. It is 34% Hemp, 41% Cotton and 25% Modal. Very nice to work with. My sister has admired the yarn so she has her choice for her birthday on Saturday. She can have a completed pair in a red blend, this pair or another pair I have started. Will be interesting to see what she choses. Must get a picture of the completed pair when she gets back as would like one for my records. And will find my camera and learn to post a picture.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


After months of thinking about it, reading books and blogs, I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog. Need one to do an exchange and wanted one if only for the family to read. Also want the discipline of something done on a regular basis. Perhaps it will also help me get some projects finished. I refuse to even count how many I have started or planned.

It will be fun to meet new people also as certainly have found many by reading blogs and following links. A person can be part of a large community without being physically being there.

Looking forward to the experience.