Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day After

Really enjoyed my swim yesterday but my "new" hip was feeling a bit sore afterward. Taking the rest of yesterday and most of today as a very easy day. Just lying around and knitting and reading. I do have an invite out for supper today from my Son so I am looking forward to that. The big decision is where to go to as we both enjoy eating out and ethnic food. The fact that neither one of us wants to make the final decision does slow things down a little bit.

As to knitting, I realized I hadn't shown the pictures of some of my Christmas knitting as one person was very late getting theirs. The purses were knit using red Quebecois wool in about a DK weight. Have a front loading maching so they are not felted as well as I would like but all in all, I think they turned out well. The yarn store has discontinued carrying this yarn now so I bought quite a bit of it when it was on final sale.

However, Blogger does not want to upload my pictures so I am just going to give up for now and continue typing in the post.

Went to the Peruvian restaurant and had lovely seafood dishes. Mine was in a lemon yellow sauce beside the rice and his was a paella so the rice was mixed in the tomate based sauce. Other than him spotting more scallops in mine than his, we both very much enjoyed our meals.

Off to the Center again - sat and knit and then went in the pool for some exercises before having lunch. Was glad to get home as the weather certainly is not nice. We were having snow, rain, and freezing rain within 10 minutes of each other. The roads and sidewalks are certainly going to be very hazardous later today. Hip was feeling just a bit tender but only had 2 Tylenol just before bed.

Son called last night to say he was staying put for which I am glad. Roads are getting much worse according to the TV and can rest easier knowing he is somewhere safe.
Sister also called to let me know their phone number has changed. She is feeling down because it is the first of March and they come home on the 31st. Also having a very bad cold does not help the situation. I know she has been ill as she didn't even go through all the shops with her company but read and waited in the car or at a bench.
Mandy's Mom was suppose to come for J to get a haircut but for some funny reason she called to cancel. She doesn't have her own vehicle and listened to the weather report so I wasn't surprised to get her call.
Right now we are getting big flakes of snow from a very grey sky. The wind is really whipping the trees outside and the roads outside sound very wet when the cars go by. So nice to be indoors and warm and free to do whatever I choose. Have plenty of knitting, books and food so I should manage just fine.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Water Time

It is fairly mild out and the light snow changes occasionally to rain which makes it terrible to push a walker out the laneway. However, I made it out and back and just considered it part of my exercise.

Made it to the Boys & Girls Club and had a time in the warm water pool. Didn't go in while they were doing exercises so I wouldn't be tempted to do like the others or to try and keep up with them. I used the program my physio had laid out and did 3 repeats plus some other movements I found very gently, satisfying and worked the upper body. Also did 8 swims across the width of the pool not using my legs like he was concerned about. It was so very nice to get in the warm water and relax.

The driver for my run was 15 minutes late getting back for the 1 o'clock run so I was stressing somewhat about that and certainly did not like sitting in the hall chairs for the extra time. I have had lunch now so think I will go lay down for a bit. Several people I have spoken to are surprised that I am back so soon. While I am not overly pushing it, I definitely feel better for making the effort to get out and so something.

One month post-op and one month to go before I see the surgeon and officially get changes and evaluation of my healing.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Getting Out and About

Would have posted more this week but the phone and internet were down for several days and haven't been able to find my camera.

Have a finished project! The red purse for Evelyn is done except for the felting and I am quite pleased with it. There is a 3 strand cable up each side which become I-cord for the handle. Now I just have to get a purse made for myself.

I did work on an Elizabeth Zimmerman Rib Warmer for myself on Thursday at the Stitch & Knit & Chat club. It is growing but very slowly and no interesting shaping or such to show. Was nice to get out but my name had been crossed off for going home so one of the drivers had to make a special trip.

Friday was out for supper with Son to the Korean restraunt where we hadn't been for a year or so. Saturday was to Chapters with Bev and tried the new Red Tea Latte which was very good as a change. Today I went with Bev to Four Seasons with 2 of her work friends. They had the breakfast buffet which they very much enjoyed. I had a large appetizer plate which was delicious and easier than trying to do buffet. A very good weekend for getting out and having some good food.

Had a comment from before that I guess I should answer here. Bev had counted 29 staples so when they came out I asked the nurse to save them for me -- which she did in a urine sample bottle. It was the first time she had received such a request. Sent them to my grandson as I thought it would be fun to gross him out. Think I achieved my goal! Have had lots of laughs about it. Should also acknowledge that they were as clean as anything that had just been in paper so it is only the idea of what they were used for that caused the interest.

Weather has turned somewhat miserable with some freezing rain and snow so Son may not be home tomorrow night. Know that I won't be planning any trips out. Have a big project I am working on and plenty of small ones to get busy on so should be able to manage not getting bored.

Keep busy.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Health Update

Haven't had the internet for a few days so thought I would do a health update just in case someone is interested and to measure where I am at.

Physio was in on Wednesday and pleased with my progress although there doesn't seem much he checks or measures. Still on 50% weight on the left leg and the wheeless walker but have been doing a big more weight. Going to try the other walker next Wednesday after Physio's last visit. At this point I am planning a trip to the Boys & Girls Club for Thursday and have to go upstairs at the far side of the building to the meeting room.

Incision has stopped oozing and seems to be healing with about 1/2 the length with a scab. Appears more dimpled than I had on the other side but we will see how it heals. I cannot locate the scar on the right hand side although I know that it is there. Now I am not sure why it matters but guess I just want something to fuss about.

Haven't gotten my full appetite back yet which I certainly like. It came back last time but hopefully it won't this time. Just can't get so bored that I start eating for something to do. Think the kitchen is further away which may help but it is beside the washroom. To which I am making more "normal" trips to instead of every 2 to 3 hours around the clock.

Did get so bored on Friday that I called Brampton and got Jess. Told her I was bored and to talk to me. Apparently this is a trick that she does regularly to her Mother and Sister so they enjoyed the fact that it was innocently done to her.

Broke the boredom today by having my Son take me out for breakfast. Nothing fancy but at least I got out of the house.

Have started taking an interest in knitting again and getting a bit more done. Seeing I was doing nothing at all even a few stitches is more than before.

Next landmark, I guess, is the follow-up visit with the surgeon. Called the Monday after I was home to make an appointment for 5 weeks from that date. Apparently he isn't in the office much these two months so my appointment is March 29. On a Thursday so can do a road trip to St. Jacob's Market or someplace else interesting.

Must mention medication by the way -- instead of 2 to 3 strong arthritis pills and wishing for more, I am down to 2 to 4 Extra Strength Tylenol per day. Makes such a difference in how I feel overall! And the pain I have now will decrease as I continue to improve which is also very nice to think about.

Hope everyone doing well.

Not Forgotten

As some of you know, Flit has been caring for her mother-in-law who had Alzaheimers and a heart condition. D died on Saturday morning so slip over and read Flit's most recent entries.

I am so very proud of the care and attention and respect given to D by two people who maintained a "normal" life with school, work, family and all the other demands through the last few years. D remarked when we first met that she "forgot" things but she made an effort to be part of the gatherings. It must have been very confusing for her but she was part of the group and not just shoved in the corner and forgotten.

Her death, as is any death, a loss to those who loved and knew her and to those who just knew a little bit about her.

Treat all with dignity.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Had a lovely visit with Heather on Wednesday and with Shantel and Van, her youngest, on Thursday. Both came bearing food which was greatly appreciated even though the freezer is full. Enjoyed so very much more the company. It is an incentive to stay up longer, breaks the boredom, and reminds me that there is a world going on beyond the doors. Enjoyed seeing Van review his first Valentines from pre-school. He is such a cutie!

In this weather, it is not that I want to be outside. Bright, sunny clear blue skies but don't take a real deep breath as it is freezing cold.

Spent time last night trying to think of someplace I would like to go to get out of the house and breath fresh air. Have more than enough yarn I am not using just now, more than enough books I am not reading, plenty of food and people who bring me more anytime I want, so ended up deciding that there wasn't anywhere to go just now. Hoping to go to the Boys & Girls Club next Thursday so will leave the venturing out until then. Just plan to sit with the Stitch & Knit group. Hopefully the scab will be off soon and can join the swim group soon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Am Back!

Or at least I hope I am back on a more regular basis.

Had surgery Monday, January 29, scheduled for 11:15 but taken in a bit earlier. By 10 to 1 I was wide awake in the recovery room and checking out who was also there and when it would be 1:30 and they would take me upstairs. Andrea came back around 2 and visited till around 7 so I was glad to have her company. Medicine I had had in OR made me very itchy and shakey so was very glad when that wore off.

Couldn't highly recommend all my roommates but the nurses were very nice and the food was passable. Had visitors from Coburg, Port Hope and Waterloo so did very well. Was so very glad to see everyone even if I might not have been the very best of company.

Heather came for me on the Friday so I have now been recuperating at home. Most of the time in bed but now starting to spend more and more time sitting up. Stitches came out last Friday and the oozing has stoped so I even have had a shower now. Getting to feel quite civilized. Andrea came down Monday night and we went to my eye appointment in St. Jo's Tuesday. Got feeling real tired out but held it together long enough for a lovely meal out. Did bring the dessert home to enjoy for supper and after a nap. Hope Andrea made it home before the snow storm last night as seems a fair amount of snow and it was very, very cold out. Sunny and bright just now.

Two books read, 45 puzzles in one of the puzzle books I have where you pencil in the appropriate squares to get a picture, and about an inch of knitting. Hopefully I am going to feel more like doing things very soon. Know it will be better when I get my wheels back as hate the walker you have to pick up and lift each step. Guess I really shouldn't complain as I have about 1/4 the pain as before and it is a much different type. This pain is getting less and my movements are getting more easy.

Enough sitting for just now so off to wander for a bit. Take care and hope all are healthy and warm.