Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Clarification Required

Had a phone call from my Sister. She is knitting a baby sweater but did not like the way it was working up in the yarn she had. There was some other yarn that worked to the same gauge but using a one size different needle and she was enquiring if she could do a straight substitution. Of course she could and once that was established we started talking about other matters.

When one of her great-grandsons was told of the marriage, his response was "Are they going to have any babies?" His mother didn't think so but let him call and ask directly.

Sister also didn't think so but she is knitting baby garments. Huh?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Best Wishes

"Finally, the increasingly weird actions of a loved one will make more sense."
My horoscope for today. Wonder if this would apply for the fact that while I was busy travelling and seeing the surgeon, my sister was getting married? She and Harry are spending 5 months in Florida this winter and, at a time when no family was visiting and/or advised, they got married. I have a sneaking suspicion that the plans were started several months ago but we haven't talked long enough last night when she told me for me to ask. Doesn't really matter anyway. They have been serious about each other for years and known each other for a lifetime almost so you certainly can't say they have rushed into it. They are old enough and trust both are in their right minds (Harry may question that for a defense in the future to get a rise out of her) that they know what they want. Both deserve the very best and I hope they will have many happy and healthy years together.

Now I will just have to remember to use her "new" name. The question now arises about a wedding gift as with 2 households and a trailer between them, I don't expect they need something for the house.

Spent today with Bev on a trip down to her hometown to take some things to a cousin. Was a sunny, clear day so lovely driving weather. Their house is right on the St. Clair River so a lovely view while visiting. Her cousin was very nice and welcoming. Nice opportunity to see Bev with family so really enjoyed the time. Having homemade chicken noodle soup and p0ppy seed cake sure didn't hurt either.

Got about an inch done on my green socks. Not much to see on the drive but haven't been that way for a couple of years so didn't knit the full time going. No knitting on the way back as it was too dark.

Good health, good wishes and good knitting

Friday, November 24, 2006

JANUARY 29, 2007

Yes I am shouting. I am so very happy. 65 days until I have a hip operation that the doctor said should have been done 12 to 18 months ago. Yes, I am severely handicaped by the degree of arthritis and the only cure for it is an operation. Both legs are considered weak so it may take me longer to recover but it is possible that I might not need my walker or cane by next summer.
For those that are interested --
January 4, 11:15 a.m. - Preop appointment with the doctor to ensure that everything looks good for the operation.
Sometime in the next week or two after that I will have an appointment at the hospital to see it, have the blood work done, etc. Although I lived in the area (Kitchener-Waterloo) for about 10 years, I have never been to the Cambridge Hospital.
January 28 - I will get to Cambridge to stay overnight at the Travelodge, 519.622.1180, to stay overnight so I don't have to worry about getting there real early the next morning in the middle of winter.
January 29, 8:15 a.m. - have to be at the hospital and 11:15 is the time of my operation.
Will have to stay in hospital 4 or 5 days usually and, because of the additional money given for hip and knee replacements, I should be able to have physio in London either at home or at St. Joseph's Hospital.
10 to 12 days after the operation I can have the staples removed and should be back in the water a few days after that.
Will see the surgeon 6 weeks after the operation for a follow-up evaluation.

Now to start organizing my bedroom and the spare room so that my bed will become a spot for me to lie down, view TV, read and knit. (Right now I also share it with some clothes that need to be sorted and moved.) Going to organize some kits with the yarn and pattern all together for ease. Have plenty of books set aside for variety. Ordered a refurbished laptop yesterday so hopefully Son will get the router set up again before I am home afterwards. Too bad I don't have a frig and microwave beside the bed but have to do a certain amount of exercise and they are near the washroom so will be able to get to them.

Have several projects at the point where they need concentrated attention and I am not ready to give them that. I therefore had to start a pair of socks for in my purse. They are a soft green with a bit of brown in them. Would love to show them to you but Son has moved the computer to the kitchen hoping for a better phone connection so he can upgrade the computer service. The printer and camera equipment is still in the front room until he knows if things are all going to the kitchen or back to the front room. Will be a few days before that question is answered. For the past 2 weeks he has been working and/or on errands from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. every day. (That is not an error in the times - starts early and been working very late.) Finishes Sunday with a 4 hour exam (his day off from work), Monday his usual 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and hopefully off on Tuesday. This decision to start a new part-time job is meaning a large time commitment just now.

Further to my post about the weekend in Toronto, the one granddaughter who went with me Saturday enjoyed the show so much that she bought tickets to take the youngest granddaughter to the show. Talked with her today and she really enjoyed the show. I hope you enjoy the picture taken afterwards.

Now to get an email sent to those I know who don't read my blog. Maybe I should just tell them to come here.
Health, laughter, best wishes and happy knitting to all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Show Time

I like free! Like most people, I think it is very nice when you get something for free.
The thought of getting tickets to not one but two shows I want to see is extraordinary. That is what happened this weekend.
Several months ago my son won a pass for two to the Blue Man Group in Toronto. Mandy's Mom picked up the tickets recently and was to go with me. Last week I got a phone call from a granddaughter who really, really wanted to see the group and asked very nicely for my ticket. I love her dearly but not that much. She asked if she could use her aunt's ticket who was in agreement with the arangement and who would still do the driving. That was fine with me.
Saturday morning I drove to Brampton with a stop in St Jacobs (yes, a bit out of my way - by about an hour) to deliver some items and ended up buying a pair of new crocs. No holes in them so will be nicer in the snow. Still managed to get to Brampton by 11. Mandy's Mom was busy having quality time with Mandy.

The finished product:

It is a swimming pool cake with loads of cookies, chocolates, and candy. Please note the diving board also. Alex had made one before Mandy was born so now it was her turn. Cookbook provided by yours truly.

Made us a bit late leaving the house and then Jessica wasn't quite ready so put us back a bit more. Thank goodness I didn't have to worry about driving, parking and such as we made it with 5 minutes to spare.
The show was fantastic! Lot of percussion music, some audience participation, and loads of laughter. Only 3 men on stage who do not talk at all, only using their eyes for expressions. I never knew that you could chew your cereal and have music. The audience at the end got wrapped in paper. All recycled paper we were told. Did buy a DVD of a show but they had the musicians on stage which I found somewhat distracting. Enjoyed the show we saw much more.
Mandy has decided that certain nights should be a special time with table cloths, "napkins" (paper towels), special drinks - wine for the adults and ginger ale for the others, AND dessert. (That is the reason for the cake) It used to be that date night was from the adults but now it includes the kids.
Sunday morning we had to be up and out of the house early for a 10 am FREE show in Toronto. Preview of Happy Feet. Well worth getting up early! Production on the show was started before March of the Penguins and takes an ecological look at saving them. You don't need kids to see the show with as there is a lot of adult humour and story and songs. Whether you remember the original songs or just enjoy how they are produced here, the songs are well integrated. The movie also teaches about the value of others who may be different. You may not realize all the lessons at the time as you might be too busy laughing and watching. The underwater swim sequence is beautiful. For me, it was a time warp to the Esther William's movies. Few others may remember them but when you see the movie, you might understand that she had the human version. I don't go to movies hardly at all and doubt I'll get any more free tickets to Happy Feet but I will be buying the movie when it comes out on DVD. Let her Aunt and Cousin take Mandy next time.
Had lunch at Ikea - like those meatballs. Also Mandy needed napkins for their next "date night".
Knitting news - got a few rows done waiting for the start of the move but that was about it. Have started something for Christmas so info about it will have to wait.
Also have some fantastic news about my son but until more details are worked out and finalized, I will also have to wait on that. Or interested parties can email me for the currant status.

Enjoy today.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Scarf is here!

Got a blog so I could do a scarf exchange and today I received my scarf. It is a long, narrow, entrelac scarf in 3 colors that is sewn to make a tube and therefore it is reversible and nice on all sides. Made of Cascade 220 (which is just coming into one of our local yarn stores), the darkest shade is the same as the arms of the knit jacket I wear each Spring and Fall. The other 2 colors are ones that I would certainly have picked for myself.

Knit by Angie, a university student at San Jose campus of USC, she also sent some local postcards and candy. And a letter introducing herself. I am so delighted and thrilled by it. Will certainly do an exchange again as I have met two very nice people from the 2 exchanges I have done. And gotten two lovely and very different scarfs.

It had been a miserable day starting with getting up to leave the house by 7 a.m. That hour has sort of disappeared from my life since retiring. Had to get Son to his couin's so he could take her to an appointment in Sarnia. Then car to the repair shop and later to an exercise class in warm water. It is grey and rainy also. And to top it off, the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon that I have waited 10 months for has been moved to November 24. All I could think of is that means that more people will be operated on before me. However, I do have a lovely scarf and goodies to delight in.

Since I was posting pictures, I am going to add a picture of half my goodies from the book shopping trip and of my Mandy witch. Isn't she a sweetheart? LOL

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Week in Review

Monday was swimming then to the Chiropractor. Have gone off and on for the last few years to a practise where they do Wellness Management which means they gently touch contact points on the spine and allow the body to heal itself. I find it highly effective and I don't tense up when they want to touch my neck. Only problem is I hadn't been for almost two months so my one leg as 2" shorter than the other. Any questions as to why my back hurts? Did remember enough so that after only a few minutes I was 1/2' difference and I can manage that. Must plan better so I go more often.

Did some light shopping and then met my Sister and Harry at East Side Mario's. David was able to sit down for most of the meal so we had a nice visit and good meal. I had the Goat Cheese stuffed Chicken which I will duplicate at home for certain as I would have liked more cheese. None of us had dessert which was a bit of a surprise.

Tuesday Sister and Harry left for Florida. They are pulling a trailer and will stay for 5 months with a week or so in Edmonton at Christmas to see her family. No rain here so hope they have a clear trip down. I got to go swimming in the warm pool while they drive to the warmth.

Wednesday was Red Hats. Four of us went to a restraunt just outside the city so a very nice drive. The Little Beaver prepares fresh, home cooked food with nothing fancy. The price is also very reasonable and the desserts are worth a special trip just for them. Two had not been before so it was a very nice treat for them.

Went looking for a Christmas House supposedly nearby but it hasn't opened yet for the season. Ended up going miles the other direction to a very nice place called Winter Wheat. It is a real treat to visit any time of the year and I hope you will take a few minutes to visit their web site. This will give you a much better idea of the interesting things there.

Thursday was knitting and swimming. Everyone is getting ready for the Bazaar and I work on my own thing. Feel bad about it so brought home some sewing to do. Next year when I see what they sell and what might sell then I'll get busy. Certainly have enough yarn and material to get things for them.

Mandy's Mom phoned to let me know she has picked up the tickets for the Blue Man Group in Toronto on November 11th. Easy date to remember. Son had won the tickets this summer and gave them to us. I have seen the group in some ads and a TV show so really looking forward to it.

Friday Mandy's Mom called again to say she was clear on Wednesday and would meet me in Cambridge for my surgeon's appointment. I don't really need anyone with me for this meeting but it will be nice to visit with her and have something to eat afterwards. Think she just wants to be the first to find out the date. My sister called and she expects a phone call that night as their internet is not hooked up as yet.

Sister tried to get me going by saying it was 80 and sunny since they got there. Only thing I envy is the pool to use anytime and there are daily exercise classes. They had car problems on the way which put them behind. Got to drive through Cinncinati and Atlanta at rush hour. Not fun. They are there now and all set-up so now the sitting, relaxing and swimming can get started.

Saturday and I am reading blogs, indexing some books, cleaning some areas, and knitting. Son has my camera so no pictures but I just have to graft some stitches and thread in 4 ends on my green socks. Half through the yarn from Lucy's scarf so getting something done on it also.

Enjoy life.