Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day Out

Went to Port Huron on Saturday. Had some mail to pick up which included Patternworks and KnitPicks catelogs and Interweave Knits magazine but no yarn. Taking a course in Michigan at the end of the month so yarn purchases can wait until then.

Bev and Heather went with me and we had a lovely time. Purchased a few things and 2 nice meals with 1 declicious dessert each. Bev and I had a Baked Alaska with chocolate brownie and Heather had puff pastry with whipped cream and strawberries.

Found by the end of the day that the getting in and out of the car did me in so not doing very much at al today.

Had my visit to the surgeon on Thursday and found out that I could have been doing a lot more starting at the 4 week mark but I am determined that I will soon catch up to where I could have been. Starting Monday. Reality check after Saturday.

Now to watch mindless TV (golf) and do some mindless knitting.

Enjoy life.

1 comment:

flit said...

Your counter doesn't seem to be working... will try to fix it - when I get my exams all done!