Monday, March 26, 2007


Just realized it has been nearly 2 weeks since I've posted without a very good excuse. Sorry but have been getting out more and knitting and the days just slip by.

Tried uploading some pictures but Blogger having none of that. I am getting real tired of them not loading so guess I should look for some other way of linking to my pictures.

Spent the last few days in Brampton as Mandy had a PD day on Friday so I went down Thursday afternoon after Boys&Girls Club. (That Thursday was busy there - my toe nails done, Stitch & Knit group, water exercise class, and lunch.) Friday we went down to Streetsville for a tea lunch but I was late getting the car and then took a wrong turn so we ended up having subs. Had to get back to Brampton for a dentist appointment.

Saturday took 2 granddaugters, and Mandys Mom back to the tea room for our birthday luncheon for Mandy who will be 7 on Wednesday. Had a nice time although Mandy didn't like the tea she had ordered. Then off for a playoff game for Mandy's Brother which his team lost. One more loss and they are out of the playoffs. Last year they were league champions.

Drove home Sunday afternoon and traffic wasn't too bad. Offered to take Son out for birthday supper but he had been in a full day of training and his throat wasn't feeling the best so I eneded up having crackers and cheese. He did have several phone calls and I got to talk to Flit and Sis so that was nice.

Today was a thunderstorm this morning but it now has cleared and it is suppose to go up to 20. Should be able to start in the garden soon which sure needs it as I didn't do hardly anything last year.

Have turned the 4 corners of my EZ rib warmer so just the straight knitting up the back to do. Got the red purse for Ev felted and mailed yesterday without taking a picture first. Got the Noro purse knit, ends trimmed and felted so it just needs the handles and a home as I am not sure if I will keep it or give it to someone. My small blue bag intended for my phone was also felted and again I am not sure if I will keep it. With all my accomplishments I think I should get some pigs sewn together and more knit.

Also have something more to do. I have 2 young girls (S and E) who call me Oma and the eldest has now got the new pump for her insulin. S asked if I would make some pockets and such for her so I am going to dig out some nice fabric and get started on that. Must also see about making some pouches as, from what I can tell on the web info I found, they look fairly simple to make. Maybe she needs some for her dolls? Always seems a good idea.


Tamara said...
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flit said...

hope you don't mind....I was messing with a counter for my page and stuck one on yours also