Saturday, May 26, 2007

Back to work

There hasn't been too much knitting done as I just got home from work today. Friday I went to the Boys & Girls for a lovely luncheon where you got a taste of food from 12 different countries. Really enjoyed it and the food was absolutely delicious! Had the bus drive me to work afterwards so got there at 2:30. Work would have been better if the computer had worked and the person I was reporting to had been there. Finally got set up about an hour later and then worked till 9. Thought it was till 11 so the difference was appreciated. Just entering names into an Excel spreadsheet after pulling the files from the cabinets and returning them after entry. No real challenge mentally but my back is feeling the activity and poor chair.

On Monday I am at a nearby condominium so have the bus route planned and such. Guess I should decide what to do about lunch as there is nowhere nearby.

Garden seems to be doing alright though I must check on the few plants not in the ground yet to see if they are drying out. Have had a bit of rain today but it might not be enough.

I am going to get that done, get something to eat (it is now 4:19) and lay down in bed and start knitting.

Enjoy life.

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