Friday, September 08, 2006


Have heard from the person who recieved my name for the scarf exchange and have sent a message to the person to whom I am to send a scarf.

Pal Getting likes the same colors that I do so it makes that part much easier. Saturday is the K-W Knitters' Fair with over 40 vendors selling knitting realated items ONLY. Think I will be able to find something suitable? Might take some looking but that is the fun of going. Can easily justify buying more yarn as my stash yarn in those colours were bought for specific projects that I will get done. And I do NOT need any comments about when that might be.

Next week I'll decide on the width and pattern for the scarf. Have no need of any additional patterns as I am determined to use one I already have. Feeling quite proud also as have indexed all the Barbara Walker Treasuries and indicated some patterns I thought would be nice in scarfs. I will also be working on a scarf for a friend moving to Calgary. She helped pick out the yarn but I am choosing the stitch pattern.

On another subject, have the camera all setup now so here are some for your viewing pleasure (and my practise)

View out my front window of my garden and the hail. When we moved in there was a very small patch of grass which I have now turned into all plants. Much more fun to care for and don't have to wait for someone else to cut the grass.

Below are the socks my sister ended up with for her birthday. The have a zigzag pattern up the back for wearing with clogs. Good thing I like the other 3 choices of yarn I had given her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They need to make glow in the dark yarn!